Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The first day of the rest of my life

1) Afternoon crossing 2) There is no beach. 3) Stairwell 4) Elevator 5) Dewey the Cock 6) Beverly Hills 90210

Merge right, lost souls. Turn, turn, turn! Today was my "official" first day of college, but realistically speaking, the fifth. From 8a.m. to 12:15p.m. there was non-stop congestion (even when carpooling with Stephanie). After school, I met up with Maria for the first time since she graduated. She was so looking forward for our long-awaited photo shoot, but failure! She told me she didn't want the location to be recognizable, as in a big no-no to Cerritos. However, we ended up in Sheraton and those buildings. We saw a rooster, and tried to chase him down for hours. We figured he needed a home, even though he probably finds shelter in trees. Anyways, Beverly Hills 90210 is so confusing. What ever happened to David + Donna forever? It made me wonder when some lady said that she has "enough of her own" penis. She must be a transvestite, which reminds me of ANTM Cycle 11 premier! Even our professor was making a big deal about ANTM, and his name is so Italian it threatens me, kidding.

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