Saturday, November 8, 2008

24: L.A. is a dirty word in S.F.

A pure bred dawg cautiously pawnders the streets, tailgating the Chavez* fambly. 
Wolverines are fed by Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx.
Boy wonder, one of the 24 performers of the gala, sings "Besame"
A nice ma'am refers to her client as a "weirdo" in the sweetest way ever.
She doesn't belong in this booth, but she's a beaut.
Not to be mistaken with a "No on Prop 8" endorsement. 
(Andy and Citizen's Philip Wood!)
We swapped photos.
No. I would much rather whack you two then these animals.
Just what the doctor ordered. (Rose Apodaca!)
It hasn't struck us like a lightning bolt, but more like thunder.
Not pictured: Diva Dompe of blackblack, and Andrew Andrew.

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